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How to Enjoy the Last Days of Your Pregnancy

Regina Young

Here I am at the last few days of my pregnancy. It's getting tough for sure. In trying to get my mind and heart in the right place, I am trying to remind myself to enjoy these last few days.

Taking advantage of time alone.

It recently occurred to me that so much of my schedule is going to change. I don't know the next time I will have a chance to get my hair trimmed, my oil changed, my last few conversations over lunch with friends, and of course keeping up with this blog or my 2 other businesses! So I am planning on some real ME time here coming up...


I need to start getting in more naps, which is easier said than done. I can't nap at all. It's tough. Especially with such a large watermelon on my tummy! As we know, sleep in the third trimester isn’t easy to come by in the first place, and there’s really no good reason to cut it shorter than it already is.

Savor one-on-one time with your partner.

It's time to make sure I get some dates with my hubby. Instead of chatting and bonding over dinner, we’ll be chatting and bonding over diaper changes.

Take care of household chores.

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? I know it’s not the most thrilling thing I could be doing, but there are a number of things I would rather take care of now instead of after the baby arrives. Changing out light bulbs that I’ve been ignoring, for example, or cleaning out the refrigerator are much easier to take care of now than they will be in a few weeks. I also plan on making some meals ahead of time to freeze so we don't just live on take out.

Prepare for your return from the hospital.

Chances are by this point every little detail of your baby’s nursery is in place. We don't . We are keeping our guest room comfy for all our guests and "helpers" that we are planning to have. We'll slowly work on it when baby arrives, but the design plans are in place. Since we know it won’t be exactly convenient to run out to the store, we’re stocking up on extras of the essentials such as snacks, laundry detergent, toilet paper and toiletries now.

Dallas, TX, US

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